It has been running continuously since the early 2000s and is in its 12th "reset", or round. The game originally began on AvidGamers before moving to its own IPB Forum. US Gov Sim is a long running game based on American politics.Engi No Jutsu is a hypothetically Naruto related roleplay that is more than 10 years old as of this writing, having been first made in 2004 and continuing strong to this day.Though both the name, the website, and the people in power have changed, it is still running strong, with new and returning members coming in frequently, despite the lack of any canon characters. Halcyon Days is a Bleach RP that has existed in one form or another for almost 8 years.Freedom City Play By Post created in 2007 has been running for more than 12 years as of early 2020.'Souls is a play-by-post, post-apocalyptic werewolf and werecanine game set in Maritime Canada.
Souls RPG has been going since 2001, through no less than four different forum software types.Not an easy feat considering the roleplay's setting literally encompasses an entire planet, ranging from the macro scale of entire continents to the micro scale of legal firms and taverns. Valucre was founded in 2004 and has been going on for twelve years (and counting!).The game is Harry Potter combined with Call of Cthulhu based in White Wolf's Old World of Darkness. It closed in 2011 for a 6 year hiatus and is now back refreshed and ready for new players. Hogwarts By Night was founded in 2003.The former is bad writing, the latter is a breach of etiquette.
God Mode is when a player writes the other character as reacting in a certain way or acting in a certain way without their consent. A Munchkin tends to be a Heinz Hybrid or a God-Mode Sue in games where numbers don't matter. These terms mean very different things in these games. Playing on a poorly-regulated forum RP is one of the few times you'll wish for Min-Maxing - since on some forums, there's no minning required.